Hours, and Hours, and Hours

Hours and hours and hours, then hours after hours, after yet more hours on one single game at RHP, that is to say RedHotPawn.com, the correspondence chess website. This is terrific training, and incredible depth.
What does this ultra slow, ultra long, ultra deep form of chess do for rapid tactics? A lot. The other night in live bullet chess, I was 'whipping out the moves'. What does it do for my results at CTS, that is to say, Chess Tactics Server, Chess.Emrald.net? Much also. Tonight, I did 20 in a row at 1518 elo level, and am now 47f/379s= 426 tries since coming back to CTS, or 88.97%+ 1500. For most of this time, I have been above =>90%, but was very tired the last few days, but greatly enjoying it again.

I find, a good hiatus from CTS allows me to come back not only with commitment, and energy, but passion and thirst.
Soon dogWaste will be back in action, and run up to 96.5%+ but taking a breather--for now only. This takes great concentration, and I need my juice, my volts, my amps for other things.

Yasser Seirawan is coming back to town in a week or two, and promises to meet me for lunch and a good long walk. While we always discuss investing over email, sometime ten or more a day, we always discuss the internation chess scene and his publishing and/or broadcast, webcast ventures in person. This is a great treat for me, but, then again, I can fully attest to the facts--THAT THIS MAN DOES NOT TIRE. Extra vitamin time for me. :)
Warmly, dk