Raw and the Cooked: Chat at Chess Ninja

Believe me * I am NOT someone who needs to read every chat at chessninja.com, Mig Greengard's blog, but the comments there following Anands win at Mexico City prove to be a wonderful cross section of sentiment mostly for his unqualified status as WCC and some for him as not having beated Kramnik in match play.
*Reminds me a lot of some of the juvenile mentality at chessChat.com, but not nearly as bad with some quite good. The main advantage or benefit of reading it now, is that while chessBase.com is sure to provide much better letters
(and I am quite sure that THEY are being flooded with letters of accolade as well as those subverting the title in favor of a match play, saying de facto that Mexico City--despite what anyone says or is in contract--was really a qualifier acting as a proxy for Candidates Matchs),
chessninja is getting the freshest, most undiluted, raw (or cooked!)sentiment from the real chess addicts if not true cognoscentae, at least for this moment!
I hope it will boost chess in India.
I see. You got me a place in the top 3 now hey ;-)
The dutch defense part may go though.
The comments on Mig's site reminded me of two things that depress me about high-level chess:
1. The politics.
2. Having a prepared opening to move 23.
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